Extra Training in Legal Affairs

posted in: Nieuwsbericht 0

For Saturday 29 April we have planned a staff training day in legal matters. The lawyer who helped us with the procedures of establishing the Ruach foundation will visit us from Managua to inform us about the latest legal developments regarding the functioning of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including the regulations NGOs need to abide by.

In Nicaragua NGOs are heavily controlled, because the Government prefers to keep matters in its own hands and is not very open to working with NGOs, even if NGOs address social issues where the Government lacks comparative ability or resources.

Partly because of the tough procedures, Ruach needs to invest a lot of time and money in complying with the rules for financial accountability at the end of the year. But of course ‘passing the test’ stands us in good stead and is well worth the effort.

The special training will be done in two sessions. The first session is for all , the second one only for Board Members and members of the General Assembly. We hope that doña Hilda will be able to present the rather tough study materials in a dynamic way.