Party time

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On Wednesday we started our preparations for decorating our home for the party. Our home assistants fortunately enjoy craftwork and rose to the challenge to make the living room look nice with minimal means.

Early on Thursday the rented chairs were delivered so that we could make the final preparations for receiving our guests. The sound system and the beamer were set up and by 9.00 a.m the first guests arrived. We had invited about 50 people, including friends, godparents, authorities, and representativesof organisations we work with. At 9:30 we started our programme, although in true Nica-style several people were still to arrive.

Third anniversary 

We usually celebrate our anniversary at some date near the end of August, on a day that suits us best. Our actual anniversary is on the 25th, but the 25th is in Nicaragua also the day which since 2011 is designated by law as the ‘Day for the Disabled’. The same law also regulates the human rights of the disabled. However, very few people know about the law, nor does the Government strictly adher to it. But it does provide Ruach with the motivation to make the point that our society ought to become more inclusive and friendly towards our (intellectually) disabled compatriots. Our anniversary celebration is a bit of a side-show.


We had a sequence of speeches: Welcome, prayer, a report on our activities in the past year, a vote of thanks and a closing by a church minister. There was lots of music too: our residents sang two songs with enthusiasm, as did the participants of the activities club. Two pupils from a local private primary school demonstrated their skills playing the piano.

The atmosphere at the party was great. At 11:30 am we rounded up with a bread roll and a glass of iced tea. We were happy that a female reporter of the local radio also joined the party and interviewed several people. This was broadcast the next day.

An activity in the stationary shop 
The owners of the local stationary shop invited our activities club participants to work in their shop for the day as a way for Ruach to advertise the work of Fundacion Ruach through contact with the shop’s customers. Two years ago we had a similar event in this shop which had gone so well that it was agreed at the time to repeat the event some time in future, so this was now the moment. 

We advertised this ‘outing’ as a reward for faithful members of our activities club. Three could not come because of illness, but Jonathan, William, Melvin and Manuel were able to participate (see picture). They enjoyed their work, similar to what they are used to in the Club, as well as the treats during the day, including a fabulous lunch! The pictures show what was going on between 10.00am till 3.30pm.

Fully satisfied and grateful we went home. When saying good bye I was handed the equivalent of about 10 euros, the content of a donation box that had been put out especially for us.


collage boekhandel

These were two very special golden days. Our 3rd anniversary. People near and far were with us in our celebration by their presence, or in thoughts, spirit or prayer, which makes Ruach’s results in its work truly a a shared effort. We hope that you will stay with us in this spirit in our 4th year of life, because only together can we make a difference. Many thanks. Gracias!